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Portable Wheatstone Bridge Model QJ23

The Tinsley QJ23 is a stable and accurate Wheatstone bridge for resistance measurements.
The 4 Rheostat decades may also be used as an adjustable 4-dial decade resistance box.
Self-contained with built-in galvanometer and batteries, the QJ23 is housed in a lightweight, durable carrying case.
For more information about this product contact Tinsley
Portable Wheatstone Bridge Model QJ23


  • Range: 1 Ω  to 9.999MΩ
  • Accuracy: ± 0.1% at 10K Ω range / ± 0.2% at 10MΩ range
  • Galvanometer: Built in
  • Galvanometer Sensitivity: better than1 μA/mm
  • Power: Built in Dry cells 3x 1.5V, or external
  • Dimensions: 240 x 180 x 140 mm
  • Weight: Approximately <2kg