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Portable Wheatstone Bridge Model QJ23

The Tinsley QJ23 is a stable and accurate Wheatstone bridge for resistance measurements. The 4 Rheostat decades may also be used as an adjustable 4-dial decade resistance box.

Portable Wheatstone/Kelvin Bridge Model QJ31

Wheatstone and Kelvin configurations are combined in the QJ31 portable bridge, achieving a wide overall measurement range from 0.0001Ohm to 1 Megohm.

Portable Double Bridge Model QJ42

The Tinsley QJ42 is a low cost portable dc double bridge for low resistance measurement below 11Ω

Portable Precision DC Kelvin Bridge Model QJ57

The Tinsley QJ57 is a self-contained portable DC Kelvin Bridge for high precision measurements of low resistance, conductivity and the calibration of other instruments.
