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A range of units to cover the requirements of both development laboratories and calibration and test departments

4720 Series

Designed for the checking and calibration of insulation testers at voltages of up to 5000V DC, the Tinsley Model 4720 high resistance decade boxes provide up to 9 decades of resolution. The total range covered is from 1 kΩ to 1,111,111,110kΩ using specially selected resistors and high quality switches mounted on an easy to read panel.


The Tinsley Model 4721 decade box is designed for the checking and calibration of insulation testers at voltages of up to 5000V DC. The total range covered is from 1 kΩ to 1TeraΩ using specially selected resistors and a high quality switch mounted on an easy to read panel.

ZX Series

The ZX Series of Decade Resistance Boxes are very high accuracy and stable six-dial instruments. There are 4 versions in the series with a maximum resistance of 1,111,111Ω. The ZX83 series adds another two Decade Boxes that extend the resistance range to 111,111,100Ω.